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Preparing for the eighth session as DM in Lost Mine of Phandelver

Preparing for Session 8 So my players gave me the hint at the end of the last session that they were going to complete a few of the side quests,...

'Waiting for Gundren' A Summary of Session 7 of Lost Mine of Phandelver

Warning: Even though I have tried my best not to, this will probably contain spoilers for Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure. Sorry.

Preparing for the seventh session as DM in Lost Mine of Phandelver

Preparing for Session 7 What next So again, I’d not really forced my players to make a decision about what to do next … I’ve found this to be the...

'Cragmaw Castle' A Summary of Session 6 of Lost Mine of Phandelver

Warning: Even though I have tried my best not to, this will probably contain spoilers for Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure. Sorry.

Preparing for the sixth session as DM in Lost Mine of Phandelver

Preparing for Session 6 NPCs Sildar I am starting to really enjoy playing Sildar. He’s fast becoming my favourite NPC. He’s not 1 dimensional or there for only one purpose...

'The Goudafellas' A Summary of Session 5 of Lost Mine of Phandelver

Warning: Even though I have tried my best not to, this will probably contain spoilers for Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure. Sorry.