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Preparing for my first session as DM in Lost Mine of Phandelver

As the time comes inching towards the first time you are going to DM, the nerves start jangling, the butterflies flutter and all you can do is hope that you...

Preparing the D&D Starter set and the Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure

Here are a few things I did as a newbie DM to prepare for the Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure that is contained within the D&D starter set.

A beginners guide to using D&D Beyond whilst playing D&D

As noted in my earlier articles, in my first game as DM I had a few players who were new to D&D and all players were new to D&D Beyond....

Preparing the players using D&D Beyond and the Starter Set

From the outset I knew there would be constraints here because I did not have access to the entirety of the D&D source material, in fact, I only had one...

Tooling and technology for a newbie DM in the time of covid-19 and lockdown

I’d been a long time player of D&D but had never DMd a campaign myself before. I’d never really wanted to learn all the rules and stuff. However, our with...